講演会のお知らせ (10/19:Prof. Omar Benhar (Roma, Sapienza))
講師:Prof. Omar Benhar (Roma, Sapienza)
日時:10月19日(水) 16:20〜
場所:コラボレーション棟3階 コラボレーション室
Abstract: The CBF (Correlated-Basis-Functions) effective interaction approach, whose accuracy was extensively tested studying the properties of the fermion hard-sphere system at T=0, has been extended to describe hot nuclear matter. I will report the results of this effort, and discuss their relevance to the understanding of neutron star structure and dynamics.
Ref. O.Benharet al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 232501 (2007), Phys. Rev. C 81, 024305 (2010); 87, 014601 (2013); 89, 025804 (2014); 91, 034325 (2015); 93, 035802 (2016).
Leaflet Benhar16Oct19-f.pdf
連絡先:作田 誠(7822)