
ホーム > 教育・研究

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Original papers presented by the members of UML

(from 1980)

M. Yamamoto and M. Yoshida (1980) Fine structure of ocelli of an anthomedusan Nemopsis dofleini, with special reference to synaptic organization. Zoomorphology, 96: 169-181.

K. Ohtsu (1981) Electrical activities in the subtentacular region of the anthomedusan Spirocodon saltatrix (Tilesius).  Biol. Bull. 159: 376-393.

T. Naito, K. Nashima-Hayama, K. Ohtsu and Y. Kito (1981) Photoreaction of cephalopod rhodopsin. Vision Res. 21: 935-941.

T. Goto and M. Yoshida (1981) Oriented light reactions of the arrow worm Sagitta crassa Tokioka. Biol. Bull. 160: 419-430.

I. Iuchi, M. Yamamoto and K. Yamagami (1982) Presence of active hatching enzyme in the secretory granule of prehatching medaka embryos. Develop. Growth Differ. 24: 135-143.

M. Yamamoto (1982) Normal stages of in development of the cuttlefish, Sepiella japonica SASAKI (in Japanese). Zool. Mag. 91: 146-157.

K. Ohtsu (1982) UV-visible antagonism in extraocular photosensitive neurons of the anthomedusa, Spirocodon saltatrix (Tlesiue).  J. neurobiol. 14: 145-155.

K. Ohtsu (1983) Antagonizing effect of ultraviolet and visible light on the ERG from the ocellus of Spirocodon saltatrix (Coelenterata: Hydrozoa). J. Exp. Biol. 105: 417-420.

T. Goto and M. Yoshida (1983) The role of the eye and CNS components in phototaxis of the arrow worm, Sagitta crassa Tokioka. Biol. Bull. 164: 82-92.

N. Takasu and M. Yoshida (1983)  Photic effects on photosensory microvi11i in the seastar Asterias amurensis (Echinodermata, asteroida). Zoomorphology 103: 135-148.

I. Iuchi and M. Yamamoto (1983)  Erythropoiesis in the developing rainbow trout: Histochemical and immunochemical detection of erythropoietic organs.    J. Exp. Zool. 226: 409-417.

K. Yamagami, M. Yamamoto, I. Iuchi and S. Taguchi (1983)  Retardation of maturation-and secretion-associated ultrastructural changes of hatching gland in the medaka embryos incubated in air.  Annot. Zool. Japon. 56: 266-273

N. Takasu and M. Yoshida (1984)  Freeze-fracture and histofluorescence studies on photoreceptive membranes of medusan ocelli . Zool. Sci. l: 367-374.

T. Goto, N. Takasu and M. Yoshida  (1984)  A unique photoreceptive structure in the arrow worms Sagitta crass and Spadell schizoptera (Chaetognatha). Cell Tiss. Res. 235: 471-478 .

M. Yamamoto and M. Yoshida (1984)  Reexamination of the ultrastructure of rhabdomeric microvi11i in the octopus photoreceptor. Biol. Cell. 52: 30-36.

M. Yamamoto (1984)  Photoreceptor collaterals in the cuttlefish retina.

   Zool. Sci. 1: 501-503.

M. Yamamoto and N. Takasu (1984)  Membrane particles and gap junctions in the retinas of two species of cephalopods, Octopus ocellutus and Sepiella japonica. Cell Tiss. Res. 237: 209-218.

K. Ohtsu and Y. Kito (1985)  A photoproduct with 13-cis retinal generated by irradiation with violet light in the octopus retina. Vision Res. 25: 775-779.

T. Goto and M. Yoshida (1985)  the mating sequence of the benthic arrow-worm Spadella schizoptera.  Biol. Bull. 169: 328-333.

S. Kajjwara and M. Yoshida (1985)  Changes in behavior and ocellar structure during the larval life of solitary ascidians. Biol. Bull. 169: 565-577.

M. Yamamoto (1985)  Ontogeny of the visual system in the cuttlefish, Sepiella japonica  I. Morphological differentiation of the visual cell. J. Comp. Neurol. 232: 347-361.

M. Yamamoto, N. Takasu and I. Uragami (1985)  Ontogeny of the visual system in the cuttlefish, Sepiella japonica II.Intramembrane particles, histofluorescence, and electrical responses in the developing retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 232: 362-371 (1985).

T. Watanabe and M. Yosihida (1986)  Morphological and histochemical studies on Joseph cells of amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri Gray. Exp. Biol. 46: 67-73.

F. Gomi, M. Yamamoto and T. Nakazawa (1986)  Swelling of egg during development of the cuttlefish, Sepiella japonica. Zool. Sci. 3: 641-645.

T. Goto and M. Yoshida (1988) Histochemical detection of a rhodopsin-like substance in the eye of the arrow-worm, Spadella schizoptera (Chaetognatha).  Exp. Biol. 48: 95-106.

T. Goto, N. Terazaki and M. Yoshida (1988)  Comparative morphology of the eyes of Sagitta (Chaetognatha) in relation to depth of habitat. Exp. Biol. 48: 95-106.

M. Yamamoto, M. Ishine and M. Yoshida (1988) Gonadal maturation independent of photic conditions in laboratory-reared sea urchins, Pseudocentrotus depressus and hemicentrotus pulcherrimus.  Zool. Sci. 5: 979-988.

M. Yamamoto (1988) Normal embryonic stages of the pygmy cuttlefish, Idiosepius pygmaeus paradoxus Ortmann.  Zool. Sci. 5: 989-998.

K. Ohtsu (1989) Flash-induced depression of the EPR under the Ca2+-free condition in the octopus retina.  Zool. Sci. 6: 721-730

K. Sakairi, M. Yamamoto, K. Ohtsu and M. Yoshida (1989)  Environmental control of gonadal maturation in Laboratoru-reared sea urchins, Anthocidaris crassispina and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Zool. Sci. 6: 721-730.

H. Kaneko, S. Takaichi,  M. Yamamoto,  M. Dan-Sohkawa (1990)  Acellularity of starfish embryonic mesenchyme cells as shown in vitro. Development 109: 129-138.

H. Shirai, N. Hosoya, T. Sawada, Y. Nagahama, and H. Mohri (1990) Dynamics of mitotic apparatus formation and tubulin content during Oocyte maturation in starfish. Develop. Growth and Differ. 32: 521-529.

T. Akiyama and M. Yoshida (1990)  The nocturnal emergence activity rhytm in the cumacean Dimorphostylis asiatica (Crustacea).  Biol. Bull. 179: 178-182.

K. Sakairi and H. Shirai  (1991) Possible MIS production by follicle cells in spontaneous oocyte maturation of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. Develop. Growth & Differ. 33: 155-162.

C. Inoue and H. Shirai (1991) Origin of germ cells and early differentiation of gonads in the starfish, Asterna pectinifera. Develop. Growth & Differ. 33: 217-226.

T. Goto, Y. Katayama-Kumoi, M. Tohyama and M. Yoshida (1992)  Distribution and development of the serotonin- and Rfamid-like immunoreactive neurons in the arrowworm, Paraspadella gotoi (Chaetognatha).  Cell Tissue Res. 267. 215-222.

H. Hara, R. Hara, A. Kishigami, Y. Koshida, S. Horiuchi, H. Yoshida, M. Yamamoto, T. Goto and U. Raj (1992) Localization of retinochrome in the retina of a tetrabranchiate cephalopod, Nautilus pompilium  Zool. Sci. 9: 211-217.

C. Inoue, M. Kiyomoto, and H. Shirai (1992) Germ cell differentiation in starfish: The posterior enterocoel as the origin of germ cells in Asterina tinifera.  Develop. Growth and Differ. 34: 413-418.

M. Takenaka, A. Suzuki, T. Yamamoto, M. Yamamoto and M. Yoshida (1993) Remodeling of the nauplius eye into the adult ocelli during metamorphosis of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrlte hawaiiensis Develop. Growth Differ., 35. 245-255

T. Okada and M. Yamamoto (1993) ldentification of early oogenetic cells in the solitary ascidians Ciona savignyi and Ciona intestinalis: an immunoelectron microscopic study. Develop. Growth Differ. 35: 495-506.

A. B. Catalan and M. Yamamoto (1993)  Annual reproductive cycle of the prosobranch limpet Cellana nigrolineata (Reeves). Invert. Repro. Dev. 23:127-136

A. B. Catalan and M. Yamamoto (1993)  The effect of pH on meiosis reinitiation in oocytes of prosobranch mollusc, Cellana nigolineata (Reeves).  Invert. Repro. Dev. 23: 127-136.

T. Katayama, M. Yamamoto, H. Wada and N. Satoh (1993) Phylogenetic position of acoel turbellarians inferred from partial 18S rDNA sequences. Zool. Sci. 10: 529-536.

M. Kiyomoto and H. Shirai (1993) The determinant for archenteron formation in starfish: co-culture of an animal egg fragment-derived cell cluster and a selected blastomere. Develop. Growth Differ. 35: 99-l05

M. Kiyomoto and H. Shirai (1993) Reconstructlon of starfish eggs by electric cell fusion: A new method detecting the cytoplasmic determinant for archenteron formation. Develop. Growth Differ. 35: 107-ll4.

S. Kimura Y. Omura, M. Ishida and H. Shirai (1993) Molecular characterization of fibrlllar collagen from the body wall starflsh, Asterias amurensis.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 104B: 663-668.

M. Seidou, K. Ohtsu, Z. Yamasita. K. Narita and Y. Kito (1993) The nucleotide content of the octopus photoreceptor cells: No chang in the octopus retina immediately following an intense light flash. Zool. Sci. l0: 275-279.

I. Gleadall, K. Ohtsu, E. Gleadall and Y. Tsukahara (1993) Screening-pjgment migration in the octopus retina includes control by dopaminergic efferents.  J. Exp. Biol. 185: 1-16.

H. Karakisawa, S. Tamotsu, A. Terakita and K. Ohtsu (1994) ldentification of putative photoreceptor cells in the siphon of a clam, Ruditapes philippinarum.  Zool. Sci. 11: 667-674 

M. A. B. Catalan and M. Yamamoto (1994)  Annual reproductive cycles of two Japanese species of Sipunculans : Sihonosoma cumanense (Sipunculidae) and Phascolosoma scolops (Phascolosomatidae) Pacific Sci. 48. 145-157.

M.A. B. Catalan and M. Yamamoto  (1994)  Annual reproductive cyclesof the Japanese holothurian, Eupentacta chronhjelmi. Canad. J. Zool. 72 387-396

T. Katayama, H. Furuya, H. Wada, N. Satoh and M. Yamamoto (1995) Phylogenetic position of the dicyemid mesozoan inferred from 18S rDNA sequences.  Biol. Bull. 189:81-90

T. Akiyama (1995)  Circatidal swimming activity rhythm in a subtidal cumacean Dimorphostylis asiatica (Crustacea). Marine Biol. 123:251-255. 

M. Saigusa and T. Akiyama (1995)  The tidal rhythm of emergence, and the seasonal variation of this synchrony in an intertidal midge. Biol. Bull. 188: 166-178. 

T. Okada, K. Takamura, Y. Yamaguchi and M. Yamamoto (1996) Secretory function of the test cell in larval tunic formation in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis: An immunoelectron microscopjc study. Zool. Sci. 13: 253-262 

T. Katayama, M. Nishioka and M. Yamamoto (1996) Phylogenetic relationships among turbellarian orders inferred from 18S rDNA sequences. Zool. Sci. 13: 747-756 

T. Akiyama (1997) Tidal adaptation of a circadian clock controlling a crustacean swimming behavior. Zool.Sci. 14: 175-183 

T. Nishikawa, H. Shirai, Y. Chen, C. Dai, M, Nohara, K. Soong (1997) First find of Epigonichthys maldivensis (Cooper) and rediscovery of E. Iucayanus from Nanwan Bay, southem Taiwan (Cephalochordata). Benthos Res.  52 (2): 103-l09.

T. Goto and M. Yoshida (1997) Growth and reproduction of the benthic arrowworm Paraspadella gotoi ( Chaetognatha) in laboratory culture. Invert. Repro. Dev. 32: 210-207.

M. Yamamoto and T. Okada  (1999)  Origin of the gonad in the juvenile of a solitary ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. Develop. Growth and Differ. 41:73-81.

T. Okada and M. Yamamoto (1999)  Differentiation of the gonad primordium into the testis and the ovary in the juvenile of a solitary ascidian,Ciona intestinalis  Develop. Growth and Differ. 41:759-768.

Y. Miyako-Shimazaki, Y. Shimazaki, K. Ohtsu, and M. Yamamoto (1999) Localization of a visual Gq protein in the photoreceptors of a polychaet, Perinereis brevicirris (Annelida). Cell Tissue Res. 296:427-431.

M. E. Haque, T. Fujisawa, M. Yamamoto and S. Ohmori (2000) Improved HPLC determination of acidic opines by phenylisothiocyanate derivatization and its application to marine animals. Acta Mad. Okayama 54 (1): 1-8 (2000)

K. Miyawaki and M. Yamamoto (2000)  Effects of formycin A, an inhibitor of RNA synthesis, on the early development of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera

Inv. Repro. Dev. 38: 115-122.

S. Shigeno, H. Kidokoro, K. Tsuchiya, S. Segawa and M. Yamamoto (2001) Development of the brain in the oegopsid squid, Todarodes pacificus:

An atlas up to the hatching stage.  Zool. Sci. 18: 527-542.

S. Shigeno, H. Kidokoro, K. Tsuchiya, S. Segawa and M. Yamamoto (2001) Development of the brain in the oegopsid squid, Todarodes pacificus:

An atlas from hatchling to juvenile.  Zool. Sci., 18: 1081-1096.

S. Shigeno and M. Yamamoto (2002) A Useful Marker for the Study of Neural Development in cephalopod. Veliger 45: 171-172.

S. Shigeno and M. Yamamoto (2002) Organization of the nervous system in Idiosepius paradoxus.  J. Morphol., 254: 65-80.

M. Yamamoto, Y. Shimazaki and S. Shigeno (2003) Atlas of the Embryonic Brain in the Pygmy Squid, Idiosepius paradoxus.  Zool. Sci., 20: in press.

K. Miyawaki, M. Yamamoto, K. Saito, S. Saito, N. Kobayashi and S. Matsuda  (2003)

Nuclear localization of β-catenin in the vegetal pole cells during early embryogenesis of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera. Develop. Growth and Differ., 45: in press.